King of Thieves (film)

King of Thieves is a 2004 movie directed by Ivan Fla, starring Lazar Ristovski, Jakov Kultiasov, Katharina Thalbach, Paulus Manker, Birol nel and Werner Daehn.

On their arrival to Germany, Barbu is taken to the circus, in reality being a training camp of young thieves, and Mimma is sold to Cardinal Paulus Manker for prostitution in his brothel. Barbu develops a bond with Caruso and Julie Katharina Thalbach, Carusos wife, and they feel he is the son they never had. Barbu is trained to pickpocket by Marcel Oktay zdemir, an older Albanian boy. Caruso eventually discovers that Marcel is keeping a small amount of the cash that he steals, resulting in having him lashed and then sold.Now working on his own, Barbu learns that Mimma has been forced into prostitution, and attempts to free her by entering the brothel with a colt pistol left for him by Marcel. Barbu fails and is violently returned to the circus by Cardinal. Caruso denies that he knew Mimma was in Germany, and says it will cost 100,000 euros for her freedom. ........

Source: Wikipedia